Friday, August 12, 2011


Wow it has been a really long time since I have posted anything on here. I completely forgot about the blog and will try to do better at posting more often.

Things have been crazy as usual! I finished my first semester back at school at the end of June. I will be starting again a just a few short weeks. The drive up to Muskegon is long but it will pay off sooner or later. I should be in the nursing program by spring or at the latest, next fall. I am continuing to work full-time at Holland Hospital as a Phlebotomist. It calls for early mornings and every other weekend. This means not being able to wake up with Kennedi every day :(

Kennedi is wild and crazy as she inches closer to being 3. She is potty trained except for when she sleeps. She is too stubborn to give up the diapers all together. She loves singing her ABCs and dancing to her Sunday School songs with her "pretty dress". She must think it is impossible to dance without a dress! Right now she hangs out with Grandma all day while I am at work. Canaan comes over 2 or 3 times a week as well. She is such a big helper with him and loves taking care of her baby like she is real!

I will try to do better at posting and hopefully get some pictures on here as well!

Friday, January 21, 2011


Wow these last couple of months have been crazy busy. Kennedi is busy playing at home during the day with her wonderful daycare provider, JoJo. Jody comes over every day I have to work to hang out with Kennedi and Canaan on Mondays and Thursdays. Those two love playing together! Canaan is walking too! I can't believe he is only 10 months and walking like a champ.

Kennedi has so many new toys that she is in love with. Her kitchen keeps her occupied for hours. She also love watching her "Colors" DVD and "Mickey Mouse".

She has not been doing very well at sleeping in her own bed all night. I have been trying a few new things to get her to stay there all night long. I am open to suggestions :)

I have been working overtime for the last couple of weeks. I love walking in the door and hearing Kennedi say " My Mama Home". It instantly makes me smile. She loves to cuddle before bed because she doesn't get to see me 6 out of 7 days during the week when she wakes up in the morning. I wish I could stay home with her, but that would never working financially!

Kennedi is talking more than any 2 year old I know. She is spitting out full sentences and picking up on everything I say and what she sees. She will point out everything she sees in the store as well as on TV. Most good things but some are not so good that need to be put to a stop right away! She is pretty good at listening when she is told not to repeat something.

She is also doing very well at potty training. She will stay dry most days wearing a panty and will have a diaper on during naps and bedtime. We haven't mastered waking up to go potty!

Christmas was also so much fun with Kennedi and Canaan. Well maybe more for Canaan. Kennedi was sick. I woke her up from her nap and she threw up all over and continued into the night. She took a couple catnaps and would open presents in between but she didn't enjoy it near as much as I thought she would!

The pictures aren't working again...I'll try again sometime.

Monday, December 6, 2010

For some reason the blog will not let me post pictures and write on it within the same post. As you can all see, Kennedi is getting so big. We were fortunate enough to celebrate Kennedi's 2nd birthday a couple weeks ago. We started with a taco bar, followed with more gifts than Kennedi could handle and then finished with cake. I had to put some of the toys away and plan to take them out in the spring so that Kennedi didn't get too overwhelmed with all of the new excitement. Kennedi received a play kitchen along with all of the fixings (i.e. food, plates, bowls, pots and pans and silverwear). Every day she wakes up, she pulls everything out of the baskets and spreads it all over the floor before she starts playing.

She also got a baby nursery for her dolls. It includes a cradle, bathtub, sink and high chair. It also has cupboards underneath...finally a place to store all of her baby supplies. She loves feeding her babies in the highchair and putting them to bed. She even gets frustrated with the baby wakes up...just like most moms if the baby didn't sleep as long as expected.

And of course she got a ton of clothes!! Everyone loves to stop for little girl clothes :).

Thank you for everyone that was able to make it to Kennedi's Birthday party. We both appreciate your time and the gifts :)

I am still working at Holland Hospital while Jody (our neighbor) comes to hang out with Kennedi all day. Kennedi also loves it on Monday's and Thursday's when Buddy (Canaan) comes over to play!

Kennedi is talking more than ever. It seems like she comes up with a new word every day...if not two! She loves to pick out her own clothes. While she stands in front of her closet saying "cute...cute". She also is obsessed with shoes, I have no idea where she got that from! As you can probably guess...Kennedi loves going shopping with Mom too :).

I am going to try to stay up to date on this blog, but blogs are not near as fun without pictures! So I hope it starts to work properly soon!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Kennedi Loves to Dance

I finally was able to get some pictures uploaded as well as the video of Kennedi dancing!

Kennedi is now 20 months old. She got another tooth in. It has been taking forever to get her I-teeth in. She only has 3 more to go...the only holes in her mouth! She has been doing better at sleeping through the night. I think it is the teething that keeps her awake and "can't" sleep alone. She is putting words together to make short sentences...

"Papa voom"
"uh-oh mama"
"bye bye te-te"
"woof woof no!"

just to name a few. It's so amazing to me how much she grows every day. I hate working so much and not being able to enjoy her more.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Photo Session

Kennedi had her 18 month photo session a couple weeks ago. The pictures turned out wonderful!! Here is the link for a preview of the pictures. The same photographer took Kennedi's one year pictures and I loved them, so we went back :).

I will be finished with my internship on Wednesday! 16 hours to go and I cannot wait to be finished! I am also working fulltime at the nursing home for most weeks of the summer as well as looking for a phlebotomy job!

Kennedi spends a lot of time with Grandma and her cousin Canaan during the week when Mom and TeTe Kelli are at work.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

We Have Returned!

I previously closed the blog due to some drama. I didn't want to deal with it so I decided to avoid it at all costs. Now that things have settled down, I am going to try and stay on top of this blog thing.

I have recently graduated from Davenport University with a Phlebotomy (drawing blood) degree. I am working on completing my internship at MMPC. I am there 2 times a week to complete 100 ventipunctures (draws) as well as 120 hours. Then I will be able to take my state boards and start applying for jobs.

Something keep drawing me back to school...I did some research and in order to be a Medical Assistant, I would only have one year of school and an internship left to do. I am strongly considering this for a higher paying job!

Now onto what you have all been waiting for....Kennedi.

She is a wild child! She is talking more than I thought she would at this age. She is getting very good at saying 'thank you', 'more' and others, along with her all-time favorite 'ALL DONE". Every morning she wakes up on her own, she will stand her in crib saying "all done mom". If I don't rush in there, she will repeat herself until I do!

She also continues to sign for 'thank you', 'more', 'milk' and 'please'.

Kennedi also has her 18-month pictures schedules for June 3. I am excited to bring all of the spring clothes out!

I will post pictures at a later time!